Top 5 Signs You Need The Flood Pros

How can you tell which types of water damage you can handle on your own and which require professional water damage restoration service? We've put together a short list of the top five signs that you need to call The Flood Pros for professional remediation:

  1. The damage involves Category 2 or Category 3 water. These two categories of water are harmful, requiring a specific response and disinfectants.
  2. The water has soaked into furnishings and building materials. This type of water damage requires complete water extraction and may involve structural repairs.
  3. The water has been present for more than a few hours. The longer water remains in your home, the more it degrades. Even clean Category 1 water can become harmful. In addition, standing water and damp areas promote the growth of mold and bacteria.
  4. You smell a musty odor after mopping up. If you were able to mop up the water but you smell a musty odor afterward, you may have mold or mildew issues.
  5. The damage is extensive. While you may be able to mop up a minor overflow in your kitchen before any long-term damage sets in, the more extensive the flooding, the more likely you need The Flood Pros.

The Flood Pros can help with any type of Miami flooding from minor overflows to swamped basements, flooded homes, and flooded commercial buildings. Contact us any time for a prompt, professional response.